Vision, optics, eyesight, myopia, people and eyewear concept. Picture of stylish beautiful short sighted young female choosing distance glasses, holding two pairs of spectacles, having indecisive look

O   W O R R I E S ,  O  D O U B T S



Now you can buy eyeglasses online with confidents and no doubts. Try 5 different frames at comfort of your home and get opinions from family and friends. Never worry if the eyeglasses fits or looks good on you. 

How it works!

  1. Select your most favorite frame in material, shape and size from our selections.
  2. Select a pair of lenses that you need for the frame.
  3. Add both to cart and continue to place your order.
  4. We will hand pick 4 other frames similar in material, shape and size of the frame you have selected.
  5. We will send (Free shipping) you the frame you have selected plus the other 4 frames that we have chosen for you.
  6. Try the frames at home for up to 1 week, choose and tag your favorite frame then ship all the frames back to us. (Free shipping)
  7. We will start preparing your lenses and when we receive the frames we will fit the lenses into the frame you have chosen (tagged).
  8. We will ship you your completed eyeglasses. (Free Express shipping)