STEP 1 | STEP 2 | STEP 3 | STEP 4 | STEP 5 |
Visual Need | Lens Brand | Lens Thickness | Lens Type | Lens CoatingS |
High prescription powers needs higher INDEX. As your prescription power increases, it makes the lenses thicker. Select the Correct lens Index that corresponds to your Prescription powers (sphere #) as recommended below for thinner & lighter lenses. Read more...
For the regular thickness lenses please select as recommended below or select a higher index for thinner lenses
If your OD (Right) or OS (Left) sphere (SPH) number is from
1.50 Index 0.00 to +3.00 or 0.00 to -3.00
1.59 Index 0.00 to +5.25 or 0.00 to -5.25
1.60 Index +1.50 to +4.75 or -1.50 to -4.75
1.67 Index +3.75 to +6.75 or -3.75 to -6.75
1.74 Index +5.75 to higher or -5.75 to higher
*Polycarbonate is highly recommended for kids, physical work, sports & for Half/Semi or full rimless frames.. Read more..